What We Do

PPF provides four primary services for schools and places of worship:

#1. External Fundraising

PPF seeks private individual, government and foundation funding to provide products and services at no cost to schools, places of worship and other venues where gun violence might occur. Funds are also used to support the National Gun Violence Protection Association (NGVPA), a branch organization, and its Washington, DC task force developing National Standards for gun violence protection. Donations are tax deductible.

#2. Security Evaluations

PPF provides experts to evaluate security weaknesses. They will make recommendations for security improvements either through training, products or services. Contact Us

#3. Security Consulting

PPF provides training and consulting to help people understand what to do in the case of an active shooter. Contact Us 

#4. Vendor Vetting/Negotiating

PPF evaluates vendors to select those that will render a successful deployment of their security products and services. PPF negotiates reduced prices to maximize the purchasing power of available funds.